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Wisdom of Place by Chip Sullivan and Elizabeth Boults - ship in 10-20 business days, supplied by US partner

Wisdom of Place by Chip Sullivan and Elizabeth Boults - ship in 10-20 business days, supplied by US partner

  • Price in reward points: 2400
  • Availability: Out Of Stock



Wisdom of Place Oracle Deck: The Elemental Landscape illuminates a straightforward vocabulary of common landscape design elements as well as archetypes derived from traditional environmental knowledge and folklore.

At the most fundamental level, the content will broaden a reader’s perception of the natural world. Users who wish to dive deeper into Wisdom of Place can engage with it as a medium to gain perspective on personal or professional situations by interpreting the symbolism depicted on the card and described in the guidebook—similar to how one would use a tarot deck. Whether randomly choosing a card, intentionally laying out a spread, or just perusing the guidebook, readers can find inspiration from the archetypes of nature and learn to appreciate the sacred qualities in the landscapes they encounter on a daily basis.

Boxed set includes 78 cards and an 88 page booklet 

Format: Set
ISBN: 9781961856431